An internet sensation that first came out around Halloween of '08, but soon gained popularity after it was featured on raywilliamjohnson's youtube vlog ( =3 ) and can soon be seen as the new Rick-Roll'D.
by TheNortherner29 May 1, 2010
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Friend 1: "Damn, did you see that Big Booty Ruby!"
Friend 2: "Yea, she was bigger than that Big Booty Judy I saw last week!"
by tooturnt01 June 25, 2014
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a guy who only likes large ass. The girl can look like a model with big ol' tits but if she's got a pancake ass you're immediately turned off. He is normally an ass worshipper and is turned off by what normal(and normally guys with little dicks) find a "nice ass"

It has been studied that that are infatuated with women with large booties normally possess a large penis. This is said because men with little dicks can't adequately reach a woman's vagina when they are in the doggie-style position and they have a large butt. Only men with larger than average endowment can properly pipe a womanwith a big rump.

"Big booty chasers" are normally prejudice against women with smaller booties and will only give notice to a larger
"Why is Bill so hung up on that LaFonda girl; she is fugly"
"I think he is mesmorized by her ass that is the size of Russia"
"Oh, he's a big booty chaser?"
by E"zi"kiel April 4, 2008
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A word used in terms to descibe a man or woman with a huge butt.
Gina: damn! nigga check out that big booty bitch rite dere!
Tom: fasho, nigga, you ain't neva lied.. nigga you ain't neva lied
by Mrs. Beckii March 3, 2010
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