when a man masturbates over some super hot and wild porn, then has to clean up the mess he makes. bangin it usually invlolves the use of your hand, or in some people cases, a t-shirt wrapped around their massive cock so they don't have to clean up, they just blow their load into the shirt saving precious time.
last night when i was bangin it i blew my load like 20 times, their must have been enough jizz to fill a milk bottle with
by slappa dick May 31, 2007
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To diss someone; bring them down repeatedly.
by 66502686 October 8, 2009
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"I banged him last night."
"Where's Barbie and Ken?"
"They're upstairs bangin."
"Where were you last night?"
"Bangin yo mom"
by Maya November 26, 2003
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a Chav. Someone who dons themselves in Burberry clothing, has their socks tucked into their tracksuit bottoms and wears 12 pound sovereign rings from elizabeth duke. Usually listens and tries to emulate the matters in rap music. Also gets drunk in the park on cheap cider. Originates from the chav threat "im gonna fuckin' bang ya out mate'
Chris: Awww man, i just bought this new sovereign its fuckin phat!
Neal: yeah but you're bangin'

I hate chavs, fuckin bangin' tossers
by [C. Strife://] January 30, 2005
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A loose term that can be used as a verb, adjective, or a way of life. Specifically connected to someone with bangs. Can be used to mean something or someone is cool, sexy, awesome, etc. Also, a way of life or lifestyle for someone with bangs.
1.) Hey! Did you cut your hair recently?

"yeahh, I'm bangin noww"

2.) Dude, check out that girl over there...
"Man i know, Now thats what you call bangin'!"
by BEastMAnlovesskeletor October 5, 2011
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hot, gorgeous, pretty or attractive, usually said to a girl, but could go for guys as well
dayum! gina looked bangin today.
by BigPimpinallovadaworld October 13, 2007
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1.)A word that describes something, (bagin=subsitute for great, awsome,amazing) meaning the thing is the best or overly great the word was mostly use in the 1998-2003 era)
1.)Kid 1:I just got a new phone! I have 5,000 minittes now!
Kid 2:Thats bangin!
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