A powerful drug that has a high concentration of hydrogen ions, which therefore makes you have a tripped out feeling. crazy.
'Rocky man i am tripping on acid like a mofonik here!'
by bi0tek April 23, 2005
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aciding is when you trip out and you like see shit all crazy like =D
Look at the flooooooor!!!!!! It's all aciding and whatnot
by Gabe and Natalie =D December 4, 2006
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Adjective; describes something that is so dope, its not even dope anymore. meaning sick, awesome, cool, hip, outrageous, etc...
Dude, did u go to that rave last night? I heard it was totally acid!
by woopitydoo360 February 23, 2010
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(apl/aplural): atypical description of a natural high from acidic foods and condiments, i.e. from deliciously & tangy balsamic vinegar at 6% acidity, abstractly classified as plural with its six (6) percents.
our spinach and sometimes tomato salad has some acids added for the tang flavor.
by velvont August 8, 2007
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1.) A substance such as lemon juice, rain, obviously acid rain, or milk, that have a pH of under 7.0. They conduct electricity, and have a sour taste. Weak acids (milk & rain) don't have much of an effect on human skin (although they have a horrible effect on teeth). Strong acids such as acid rain & battery acid (especially car) will "eat away" your skin and flesh probably up to the bone.

2.)Lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, LSD-25, or acid. A very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very to the 9000th power dangerous that a gram of it can kill you many times over.
A few micrograms can make you high for eight to twelve hours. In the late 50's to the early 70's, it was probably the most common deaths among hippies other than random violence.
1.) Acid is the opposite of base or alkali.

2.) It takes over 9000 micrograms of LSD to kill a human many times over.
by Lazer81095 March 30, 2009
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Something that's totally fucking awesome, insane, cool; swag
"Yo that show was fucking acid dude"

"You I just bought an ounce of weed. Shit's acid bro."
by kinglinesskrabs February 10, 2012
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A sub-genre of rock music.
The lovechild of punk and Psychedelic rock .
Acid is LSD, so basically, punk on a trip.
But it doesnt just have to be acid, it can be anything....

It can be any kind of punk the musician wants it to be, the limits are their imagination, which is boundless when amplified.

So I will leave you with some quotes.
Acid punk.

"Turn on. Tune in. Drop out."

"Knock on the sky and listen to the sound."

"I think of it this way: Sobriety is a six sided cube. Each angle representing one facet of life, society, the tangible world, your thoughts, etc. On mushrooms, you feel like you are interpreting about 20,000 angles at once... The fun part is that you can keep up. "

"Shrooms are awesome for getting back in touch with your root.
LSD is for reaching out with your branches."

"Remember, the drugs are just a tool, a map to the treasure, not the treasure itself."

"I'm not addicted to cocaine. I just like the way it smells."

"I used to get high on life until I realized that life was cut with morons"

"The Grass is always greener ... when it is rolled up in a paper."
by Sunil. April 15, 2010
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