A person of opposite sex who looks good from ten feet or further, but when he/she gets within the ten feet you realize they are fugly
Man I saw this fine broad from far away but when I got closer it turned out she was a ten foot looker.
by Absamil May 12, 2008
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a very handsome chap, a good looking fella who gets pure b*****s. It can also be a very fit lady who is out of this world and lads could only dream about her.
Ay la look at da top of the range looker over there!!
by Toplooker69 March 29, 2020
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Or more commonly, Screen looker.

When a person looks on your screen in Splitscreen Multiplayer and deliberately kills you.
I was hiding in the perfect spot... But he's an Offensive Screen looker so found me and killed me!
by CH4OS May 26, 2011
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someone who likes another person and looks funny whenever that looks at that person
hey marlon, you are a funny looker (sheena), no sheena..YOU look like a funny looker (marlon).....analyze that!
by agentmarlon June 28, 2006
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Perverts who often look in girl’s “Places”Can be referred to as Lookers
Look at Carl he’s being such a Looker!!!
by CookieQueen114 June 6, 2019
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Someone who picks their nose and looks at it.
by Johnhy Pi November 5, 2016
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