Zak sucks cock he loves licking his nan out and he is so bent don't be a nonce like Zak kids stay away
Zak ya nonce
by Megaprick679 June 16, 2019
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zak is a person who is partial to lemon party's, necro-pedo-beastiality and munting. partial to chubby chasing - especially with the old blokes down the working man's club.
"I did a zak last night. took so much MDMA that roystons arse will never be the same"
by 2me2you September 19, 2015
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A little piece of shit that sits around playing fortnite all day and says crappy jokes

Also likes playing Roblox
Me: Hey It's A Zak
by Ligmaboy69 December 8, 2018
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A shark was attacking me, but it swam away after I Zakked it.
by Z-Tango September 29, 2009
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(zak) n. 1. One who is admired for his skills with skateboarding, women, art, etc. 2. Plastic chair. 3. A notorious teenager from the early twenty-first century known for his delightful humor and good looks. 4. Scholar of Zakology.
-zak adj.
In the end, everyone finally realized that he was a true zak.
by insomniac8o8 April 9, 2004
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A term used to describe a lackadaisical attitude and substandard level of contribution toward a group-based project. Commonly associated with a general lack of personal accountability, exhibited by making excuses and/or blaming others for not accomplishing one's assigned task(s).
Student 1: "I've got this huge senior project to do, but I'm just not into it. Plus, between playing videos and drinking I don't know how I'm going to finish it."

Student 2: "Do you have to do it by yourself?"

Student 1: "No, I'm in a group with three other people."

Student 2: "You should totally Zak it."
by Terrell Jackson April 3, 2015
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Zakking is a word that is used to describe someone who is a Tryhard in a casual game of any game (Rainbow Six Siege, COD, CSGO...etc. This word can also describe someone who is a baiter in a certain type of game. Zakking can also describe someone who is very salty and toxic over something very minor or a joke. Not only this, Zakking can also refer to someone who has died early in the round and back seat games someone who is trying to concentrate.
Example: DUDE! Stop ZAKKING SO MUCH It’s C A S U A L!!!!!
by ReDuX9 June 13, 2018
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