Yoni Minaj is a Filipina politician running for presidency this 2022 National Elections.
"Yoni Minaj is my president."
by ribbon ni leni April 9, 2022
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Any device or individual involved in the total depilation of the mons veneris, mound of Venus, pudenda , pussy mound or, of course, Yoni
Wow, Steffi, your ladyparts are so smooth! Would you let me borrow your Yoni Zamboni before my date with Brad?
by osmium quarkmatter January 5, 2020
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You heard about Yoni Young? Ya, he sold that to me.
by BAR69696969 March 16, 2022
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A tool (organic or inorganic) used to stimulate yonis. Can refer to a dildo, vibrator, cock, dong, etc., but especially used for a larger implement that will really take her for a ride!
Becky wasn't totally satisfied by her man so she stopped by Good Vibes to get herself a yoni pony.
Man I love to watch that girl and her yoni pony!
After she was through with my yoni pony, I immediately fell asleep.
I use my yoni pony to make that pussy pony!
by CB&PB December 2, 2015
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One common symptom of female menopause is painful sexual intercourse. The medical term for painful sexual intercourse is "dyspareunia" (dis-par-oo'-nia). While talking about this with my husband, we coined a new phrase that plays off of the medical term. The new phrase is "despairing yoni". Using this coined phrase makes talking about this condition with my husband lighter, more comfortable and easier.
Some of the options for dealing with a despairing yoni are vaginal lubrication, hormone replacement, and low-level laser treatments.
My husband and I are having fun exploring creative ways of making my despairing yoni happy.
by Janidew June 30, 2017
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The act of having the worlds nastiest cooch.
You do not want to sleep with Kirah I hear she has a Dirty Yoni.
by Xmina June 27, 2020
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Hey, why is yony so tuby
by April 16, 2022
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