1. A long, tube like-schlong used to fuck females.

2. Dick.

3. A mans pipe-line service.

4. An object protruding from a leprechaun's groin.

5. The Battle Driver.
1. "She gasps every time I stuck her with my winkle tinker."

2. She yelled "Oh daddy!" when I slid my winkle tinker inside her.

3. "Dig deeper Mr. Winkle Tinker!"

4. As seen in GTA 4 at the leprechaun cornerstore called the "Leprechaun's Winkletinker"
by Willie Fhisther July 7, 2011
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weekend willy wars held in public loos
james keys is the winkle warior champion
of mongolia
by james keys March 31, 2003
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A winkle basher is some one who bashes winkles( weeners) basically a hoare!
Amy is a winkle basher
" omg that girl over there called amy is such a winkle basher"
by Molly Tompsett July 8, 2006
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To intend to take a short nap, but end up sleeping for a much longer period. Refers to the story of Rip Van Winkle who fell asleep for a hundred years.
I meant to take a quick nap before my next class but I ended up ripping a van winkle and missing my midterm.
by TheBleedingPen March 2, 2009
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Has an origin from a main character of short story with the same name written and published by Washington Irving in 1819. The term is used to describe persons who fall asleep or are absent for sometime, and do not realize what the hell has happened around them when they wake up or return.
Jane: Oh, there you are, Rick. Good luck on the test tomorrow!
Rick: What? There's a test tomorrow?
Jane: Of course! Our teacher told us. Don't you remember?
Rick: No, not really. I was...
Jane: Felling asleep in the class again, right? Seriously, what's wrong with you? Are you Rip Van Winkle?
by manat31790 March 5, 2011
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Someone who sleeps all day and only wakes up to take a shit and jerk off and then goes right back to sleep and repeats this cycle for months
I tried to get my homey to leave the house but he's pulling a shit van winkle
by Conquering Lion October 30, 2015
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