It's either a question or statement, usually used to ask what's up or what happening.
Me: Wagwan my g.
My g: me bout to hit the sickest bomboclat lick ya fi see in ya rasclat life.

by rikks53 September 24, 2021
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Said by chavs or roadmen near you but also said by those bent over wanna bees who will never have the balls to smoke a joint .mainly they spend 4 hours at home after school wanking to the maths teacher while they bend over while giving advise for there test papers next week. Or you say wagwan if your in a gang or with your chavy mates don't say it if you have never vaped at least
Wagwan my driller

Wagwan I'm that new wanna bee
by Yournansuckscock November 6, 2021
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it is a way that roadman use to say hi or hello or whats up
by donaldtrumpisapieceofshit December 9, 2020
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Means 'What's up'
Jack: Wagwan fam.
Me: Wagwan mat.
by ssssasdsddefv April 27, 2023
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Means 'What's up' . Used by me
Jack: Wagwan fam.
Me: Wagwan mat.
by ssssasdsddefv April 27, 2023
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