A virtual fetish is a fetish, that does only apply to online pornography and not to real life.
Somebody could like bondage as a fetish in porn but can be very turned off by bondage in real life.
Girlfriend: What's that on your PC? Eew, do you have a leather fetish?

Boyfriend: Well, yeah, but it's just a virtual fetish!
by PoKe499 December 11, 2008
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Losing your Virtual Virginity (also known as "Double 'V'" or "V V") means to masturbate and orgasm while watching the opposite gender's sexual parts through an online video call. This applies to both female and male. Only virtually online. Not in real life.
Hey Bob have you lost your virtual virginity yet? "Yeah, last night, Susan let me jack off while watching her rub herself in a skype session online and I cummed"
by The_Playmaker.... January 17, 2017
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To kiss through a screen because you’re a thirsty bitch
Bethany: what’s Jenny doing?

Karen: oh, she’s giving chad a virtual kiss
by Ohmygodiwannadie January 1, 2020
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A hug done through a computer or text involving the two little hugging icons on msn.

INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO VIRTUALLY HUG: one person selects one of the emoticons on messenger that involves one little person with their arms spread. the other person selects the remaining one. now you can hug and share happiness virtually :)
The virtual hug was created by Jake Ou, Beatriz Warleta and Gerald.
girl wooo says: omggg thank you soo much
boy lol says: haha no problem
girl wooo says: VIRTUAL HUG
(and then they virtually hug)
by ilovegeraldthesnail wooo November 30, 2009
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A type of government which has representatives as we see in the United states, but with one large alteration: No Electorate. This means that one person, one citizen, equals one vote. No longer is the unnamed electorate (appointed by the current representative or executive) going to vote for thousands of people. 1 person = 1 vote is fair impartial and is influenced directly by the people, as a democracy had originally intended.
by duuude007 January 11, 2007
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An Internet-Girlfriend; the couple have never met each other in real life, and the entire relationship is based on email and/or instant messanger conversations.
No need to worry about condoms when you're having virtual sex with your virtual girlfriend!
by RachBU January 24, 2008
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Nintendo's only system that failed. It had red monochrome graphics that looked like lasers. It sucked in and breathed out fart. After it failed, thousands of virtual boys were crushed and recycled into fully funtional dildos. Failed because the games suck ballsack skin and your eyes would die after an hour of gameplay.
Guy: Oh my god, dude, I just bought a rare Virtual Boy on eBay!

Freind: "How much was it?"

Guy: $500. It was a classic.

Freind shankes him in the liver.
by Wasabimoto March 26, 2007
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