When teenagers are so high and they don't know how to spell turned up, they spell it "turnt up"
"We're turnt up in walmart"
by Hottiefromdowntheblock July 7, 2015
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(superlative/adjective) turnt up- The act of altering one's state of mind with one or many substance(s).

(present/past tense) turnt over- Being in a state of intoxication beyond comprehension, usually accompanied by puking or passing out.

(subjunctive) turnt around- Once one is turnt over, he must then be 'turnt around' in order to continue partying in an acceptable manner.
"Rob, you so turnt up, you turnt ova nigga. You needa get yo-self turnt around."
by weldonla February 10, 2014
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turning good people bad; being "normal" and then becoming addited to drugs or becoming a prostitute
When a girl that is innocent gets "turnt out" by a playa, or gets taken advantage of.

When a pimp gets a new girl to work for him that's never been in the "business".
by Houstoncane23 February 17, 2012
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Slang for getting hit so hard it turned their teeth.
"Brother, you come at me like that again and you're gonna get turnt teeth."
by RoboticNixon April 24, 2019
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The best friend that, no matter what state you are in, always gets you pumped up to turn up.
Joe was still depressed about his break up even after 2 weeks, but once his turnt partner Dylan showed up, he was ready to hit the clubs and booze all night long.
by knorton530 April 13, 2016
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The act of going crazy at a party;Wanting go to a party for an awesome time!
Lily:That part was so sick last night!
Julia:Yeah we were so turnt up! Lol
by Justin's OLLG August 31, 2013
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