a troy is a person who loves the mingers. he will hook anyone he can, regardless of age, weight or scraggyness he has NO STANDARDS at all.. a troy usualy dresses very scruffy and has cheap sports shoes. he has a long beard and lives in the bush.
'charles manson is such a troy"
by little fringed goblin March 30, 2009
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Tends to be ugly and greasy. Can't get a girl for his life. Scares everybody around him. He is usually the biggest pervert ever. Doesn't leave people alone. Looses his underwear a lot. Wears the same pair for 2 months. Scratches people with his toenail. Pretends to be a girl. Blows into his cats butt hole. Nobody likes him.
Troy is so crusty
by KatieandTaylerasdf July 22, 2011
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Pudgy, bald, douchenozzle; that plays the "friend" card to score with married women. Offers a shoulder to cry on while he is working on the pants zipper. Usually found near Cannibis. Keeps a garage stall clear so adultress wives can hide their cars.
Look at that morally challenged turd wad, bet his name is Troy.
by Grimmace December 16, 2008
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A person who constantly puts their significant other before their friends, never returns their friends phone calls or texts, and in general is a shitty friend now that they are in a relationship.
"Sorry I didn't call you back I passed out really early, I didn't want you to think I went Troy on you."
by Mr Woo Woo September 7, 2008
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Loser Magnet. Attracts psychos, liars, cheaters , scum, deceitful, and self-centered individuals.
by Psycho-Magnet February 3, 2010
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A man with an abnormally small penis, who does not like to have fun. Troys tend to sit around all day waiting for other people to enjoy themselves before striking with negativity.
Steve: "dude, I'm having so much fun"
Troy: "fuck you"
by Manyana December 9, 2010
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The biggest asshole in the world. He thinks he is the cock on the block but everyone wants him dead. He thinks he is a big tough guy but is a pussy when you fight him
by Uracunt41 June 10, 2017
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