A guy that will spam you with messages and be overly friendly to the point of it feeling weird
Person 1: yeah he just kept messaging me even when I was ignoring him
Person 2: sounds like a right Toby
by Flippinfabulouseff June 30, 2020
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A hot black girl that works a lot, is super friendly, loves to go out and have fun, and enjoys having a man to love.
That girl is mos def a Toby ....she’s so damn hot and never stops working bro!
by The Last Real Girl February 25, 2018
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word to decribe a mug.
toby jug = mug
by BeNnY BaBy September 3, 2007
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To steal something from another person,
he tobied my wallet
im going to toby their stuff
by giraffe122 November 20, 2010
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"See her, she luuuuurves the tobis!"
by Mudom Rafez April 27, 2006
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Toby is a short little blonde kid that is really into my little pony
"Wow he is such a lil Toby!"
by totally not mason January 5, 2015
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