Defenition: Trying to scare someone but does not want to be cringe instead say THUS

Pronounced: THHHUSSSSS
(walks behind person) THUS (Person responds by screaming)
by salsaoncrack September 12, 2021
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Thus ( thē ' ß ) : n:. When it' possessed a specific number in group onto or into
(THE ' S) THUS :

*thus* also is used, forming a double possessive ..form of phrases

example : " in Websters Books noble prize of inclination !! " that remark of thus commenting identified as (specific doubled daggered typed remarks an indexes of sections of bookmarks)
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1. The polite way to say Thou (singular you (ye))
2. A person with some kind of association tied to them such as awesome or hot and may or may not be Asian or a girl.
Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thu forsaken me?
by Master of beargreen August 22, 2023
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Common name among the vietnamese women. They tend to control their significant other by taking over the conversations that they are apart of. They stick with their S.O. like a leech. Best thing to do if you encounter a Thu, is to put it down or walk away.
"Oh shit it's Thu. Mike we gotta leave soon. She's taken Sam from us, we have to leave before she takes another."
by True_Gamer69 December 17, 2019
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Manipuri word for “Vagina
Chot chot laoba thu

(Translation) Wet vagina
by Ken96a April 15, 2022
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He/she is a Thu kha san!! fr
by sailynx December 7, 2021
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A pretty, beautiful girl whose slightly judgmental - contrasting her beautiful exterior. She has a kind heart but you may have to squint to see it properly. She's a great person to be around; friendly, nice, sweet, kind and talkative. Very logical and is fun to be around - she doesn't care about other people's opinions.
If anything happens, I know Eain Lin Thu's got my back!
by Anonymoususer168 February 16, 2022
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