1)giant sideburns that creep down ones face and are overly bushy
2)bushy sideburns used to tickle girls thighs while giving a female oral pleasure
when ken went down on me last night his thigh ticklers were like wooo!
by lindzshartpants July 16, 2005
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Used in the comedy Off Centre starring Sean Maguire. The telling of how funny a joke is.
Thats quite a rib tickler!
by stuey2805 April 3, 2005
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small patch of hair grown directly under the bottom lip also known as a "soul patch"
i have never shaved my pussy tickler and my gf couldnt be happier;)
by Shiblet February 7, 2008
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One who has a serious fetish to have sex with pregnant women/men, thus "tickling their fetus".
Person 1:"Oh dude, my dad is a fetus tickler because he had sex with my dad, who is pregnant."

Person 2: "Cool story bro, needs more dragons."
by TheBitches March 5, 2012
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A sex move that is performed in the "doggie style" position. The guy sticks his four fingers up the ass of the girl. After removing the fingers some time later, the guy will sweep the spread fingers across the the girl's face from opposite forehead to opposite chin, leaving a mike tyson-like tattoo of feces. This move is only reserved for the grimiest of bitches.
That had to be the grimiest ho I've ever seen. She was a perfect candidate for a tyson tickler.
by posborn215 January 8, 2008
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A particularly long and thick booger, one with a tail that reaches deep back into the sinuses. Its manual removal produces one of the most exquisite non-orgasmic sensations known to humankind.
I plucked out a real brain tickler and nearly creamed in my pants.
by taxman01 July 8, 2017
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