He plays cricket for England. And is also one of the most beautiful men in the world.
Person 1 - Do you want to come and watch the cricket match tomorrow?
Person 2 - Only if Stuart Broad is playing - hes gorgeous!
by MongooseBroad23 April 16, 2009
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The Dirty Stuart is when you funnel dirty bong water up your anus and shart it all over a pregnant woman
Yo James gave Tina a massive dirty Dirty Stuart last week.. the cunt still smells like bong water
by Madmouth97 April 1, 2020
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start townsend is a beautiful actor!!he got famous with the movie queen of the damned!!he plays the part of lestat de lioncourt
there comes a time for every vampire....when the idea of eternity becomes momentarily...unbearible...living in the shadows....feeding in the darkness..with only your own company to keep.........
anne rice rocks
by akasha November 1, 2004
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The sexual act in which u shove a rodent up someone’s anal cavity
“We tried doing the Stuart little last night”
by George littlle May 31, 2019
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someone who forces another person to bend over and takes a piss in their butthole.
person 1: damn i got mary stuarted so hard last night my ass is all slippery

person 2: holy penis!
by blackkid12345678 March 5, 2009
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(a)Uk slang term for a homosexual.
(b) washed up hack journolist from a by gone era
Glyn has just come out of the closet. He's gone completely Stuart Campbell.
by Happy Tree Friend October 16, 2004
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