The RR Corniche II is £40,000 more than the similar Continental R, you'd have to really desire the true spirit of ecstasy to warrant this money on top of an alreay expsensive motor.
by Gumba Gumba April 13, 2004
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"That Spirit Redpanda is so bad at golf lol "
by YoungMoneyClan November 17, 2021
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Best god damn DS game ever made, mode underrated zelda game too
Spirit tracks was my first zelda game!

I grew up correctly didn’t I :,)
by RadFox December 7, 2017
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When two souls connect from the first time they met. Instantly they have a deep connection to one another. It feels as though they have known each other their whole lives. Conversations flow endlessly without a single word spoken. It’s like they have the same heart or soul. These kindred spirits are meant to be with each other for the rest of their lives. Romantically or as bosom friends.
Those kindred spirits have they’re own language, they’re meant to be together forever.
by Bosom friend January 20, 2020
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An animal who chooses you or you choose it to get guideance & learning to help you thru life. The Native Americans believe in this.
1 of my spirit animals is the Raven; the other spirit animal I have is Wolf.
by Starchylde June 22, 2016
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A Free Spirit is a person, animal, or object that is "free" from all wordly concerns and can act of his own choosing. Free Spirits are relaxed, cultivated, and free.
John: "Jeff, stop licking the car window."
Jeff: "I'm a free spirit"
by ForsakenCrown July 20, 2014
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The French have this phrase, l'esprit d'escalier. Literally, it translates as "the spirit of the staircase" but what it actually means is the things you think of to say after it’s already too late and you’re on your way out.
The spirit of the staircase was with me the whole walk home as I thought of better comebacks I should have said to him when we had that argument.
by Winnie Y November 5, 2006
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