when you stuff a turkey in a womans vagina then fuck the turkey
after we thanksgiving martha we eat the turkey,stuffing and all.
by jesus fuck shit July 31, 2006
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A holiday to celebrate everything we're grateful for. Like killing off the majority of a once great people and turning their beautiful continent into a shopping mall. After eating one hella big meal, we get drunk and head over to the local mall for black Friday. That's where we cut off a five year old girl's arm to get to the doll that she was reaching for. Sodomizing a big bird with some bread crumbs is a dinner staple.
Bob: Happy Thanksgiving my dude!
Jake: Thanks man, but I still feel like I ain't got shit to be grateful for.
Native guy: I literally don't have running water at my house.
by THE OLD SCHOOLER November 22, 2018
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400 years ago today those bloodthirsty cannibal red men burst from the tree line to attack our beloved new England Patriots. Thank baby jesus that George Washington was there with his ar15 Vulcan cannon and his weaponized smallpox/anthrax hybrid vail to fight them off. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to celebrate White Privilege Friday (the day following)
I look forward to the White Privilege Friday Deals almost more than theThanksgiving feast; almost.
by Silver Hammer November 29, 2019
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A Hoilday were people shove shit in there mouth
Thanksgiving is very fun to play with friends
by Dubiks December 25, 2018
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When you get diarrhea after a large Thanksgiving Dinner.
I did not have a Thanksgiving Baby, it was more like a Thanksgiving Miscarriage and it got all over the toilet and my shoe.
by Edzone November 28, 2011
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The annual act of rearranging your refridgerator in order to accommodate all of your Thanksgiving leftovers.
Girlfriend: Ugh, the fridge is completely full of our regular food. I don't know how we're ever going to cram all of these leftovers in here.

Boyfriend: Looks like it's time for a round of Thanksgiving Tetris! Here, take this milk carton and hand me those yams...
by Baby Sea Tuna November 25, 2009
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The walk you go on with your cousins during Thanksgiving to get away from the rest of the family and get high off marijuana.
Cousin 1: Hey, where are you two going?
Cousin 2: Oh, we're going on the Thanksgiving walk, want to join?
by Teddiplier September 29, 2020
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