A 'Rolla-hoe-sta' is a slutty ho that everyone is waiting in line to take a thrilling ride on.
Your sister ain't nothin' but a 'Rolla-ho-sta' cause when I was bangin' her the other night- three other dudes were outside the door waiting for a turn.
by ToxicShock March 29, 2007
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Hawaii based company that doesn't charge for entertainment. Cool DJ's that go around Miliani, Hawaii DJing for free.
Freind 1:Eh Bradahh, who you wen get to DJ at yo party Li'dat?
Friend 2:C M@stA Entertainment Brahh...Free.....And da music good Brahh...get da Techno, Rap, and the Hip-hop Li'Dat. Da Buggahh's a good DJ!!!!!!
by C M@stA March 27, 2007
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Romanian phrase commonly used for melodic purposes. It means "You'd look good,ghegheghe"
-Radule ce voiai sa spui?
-Da ti-ar sta bine ghe ghe gheghegheghe intr-un septar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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1 : Bad ass;

2 : An adjective describing the immense amount of radioactive pimp juice brought forth from an object or situation.

3 : An incident so shocking it makes you want to slap your grandmother.

4 : A term coined during a heated debate with Entenmann's about muffins.
Slapatoasta (slap-uh-toe-sta) Adjective

"Did you see webduck railing the 3 legged hooker, it was slapatoasta!"

"That clan on Xbox Live is Slapatoasta!"
by Daddyhungry December 5, 2011
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my stas de sapo esta muy duro y grande.
by flacoooo November 15, 2016
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An all boys military academy in Mendota heights Minnesota. Full of rich daddy’s money boys who have never, and will never work a day in their lives. Weekends spent vaping in basements while trying to pull girls and using words they make up to sound cool. Can be lured to anywhere with the words: vape, Juul, weed, and most of all girls.
Wow. That kid is so obnoxious and faggy, he must go to STA highschool.
by anonomoiuis January 20, 2018
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