The unexpected humiliation of having cooked spaghetti fall from your pockets while trying to impress attractive members of the opposite sex.
spaghetti pockets story:
>Cute girl in line in behind me
>"Hey, how are you doing?“
>oh fuck conversation
>”Oh, I’m good, and you?“
>”That’s good, are you busy this Saturday?“
>”I, don’t think so"
>She points to ear
>Wearing a bluetooth headset
>It all makes sense
>Drop my items and put my hands in pockets
>There’s a hole in my pockets
>Spaghetti trickles down my leg from my shorts
>Shorts are no longer comfy and easy to wear
by myshkin August 2, 2012
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Hot and ready;

a girl who is ready to fuck;

She was all on me, she spaghetti bruh.
by properlujah May 15, 2015
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Several overlapping strands of semen after a forceful ejaculation; frequently the aftermath of a cumshot.
Alex: Damn mate, you manage to pick up new hoes every night! You must be rizzing something fierce.
Matt: Bitches just want a rainbird like me who'll leave some nice spaghetti chains on their faces.
by SoIWillBleedForever March 28, 2023
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A vulgar term of offense to describe ugly hairy redneck types.
That fat kid in the corner is a tard.

I know he is such a spaghetti wrangler.
by halohippomoose March 8, 2011
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