1. wen someone you love and care for turns their back on you because of a past event

2.when someone do yo ass in
"you skeezed tf out" "damn you got skeezed"

"she got skeezed"
"wowwwwwww you got skeezed"
"oh shit he skeezed you"
by niyawiththedefinitions January 23, 2020
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A filthy, puddle. And/or one who jumps from bag to bag. Mostly only when nicks mad.
Lindsey quit being a skeezy wentch.

Nick why are you so in love with that skeez
by The D slayer February 14, 2019
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Skeezing is a term for being zoned out and immobilized while high on marijuana.Skeezed is a different form of skeezing as it is in the current tense.
“We were skeezing on the couch for hours the other day”

“Bro I am so skeezed right now”
by ZachRice December 2, 2019
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to get high, skeezed, the bodily state of high. skeezy, to tell someone there high.
hey, lets go skeeze. dude your so skeezy. dude im so skeezed right now.
by willy willy wilhelm January 2, 2010
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To ejactulate. Similar to the word skeet, except more associated with masterbation, ie "skeezing onesself"
That girl was so hot that the second I saw her I ran into the bathroom and skeezed myself.
by Fetus Juggling December 16, 2005
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1)VERB- The act of taking others belongs without asking them.
2) NOUN- A person who often commits the act of skeezing.
1) Man, everyone has been skeezin' our beer tonight.
2) That douche Colby is a major skeez when it comes to our beer.
by D-Rabb March 20, 2004
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A spaz in the most hyper, energetic, loserly sense of the word.
by Stu March 26, 2005
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