A lot of crazy bastards sailing about the seas, killing Japanese scientists for killing whales. It's too bad that the eye for an eye revenge strategy doesn't actually make progress happen, or else maybe their tactics would get them somewhere in this world. Of course not.

Yeah, guys, I want my whale brethren to live a peaceful, undisturbed life, too. But you don't see me running around the world killing the Japanese.

It must be realized, however, that anyone willing to sail around the arctic for years, freezing your ass off and risking death, must be mentally unstable anyway. What else did we expect?
Will's dad was a sea shepherd, and so he was constantly being followed around by Animal Planet film crews.
by Four score and seven fails ago October 17, 2009
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A liberal arts school filled with gays and super liberals on the pan handle of West Virginia. Populated mainly by spoiled middle class kids from Northern Virginia and Montgomery County Maryland who think they are the shit. The rest are either hicks from WV and normal people from everwhere else. Also known for Cowboy Bob who still hangs out and bugs everyone there even though he was kicked out
"Oh I go to Shepherd College that means I am a spoiled asshole from Montgomery County in MD can I tell you about how Bush is a warmonger now or we could have gay sex"
by biznass July 26, 2004
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A form of preversion.

When a wily sheep dog catches a pervert breaking in and molesting its flock, it may decide to teach the offender a lesson by giving them a brutal doggy raping. The way they do this is by setting up a fake sheep with a mouse trap inside its fake anus. Obviously, the mouse trap catches the perv with his pants down leaving them open to a terrible raping. Which they then get. Doggy style.
"Come here sheepy. AAAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!"


"Oh no!!!! Shepherd's delight!"

See preversions and prevert.
by H.S. Willsy August 23, 2011
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The name given to the crap you take immediately after a large meal.
"Wow that was a great buffet. I have to go take a shepherd's pie now."

"Yeah Toby eats a lot but he always has to take shepherd's pies right after."
by Amazing in Progress February 11, 2009
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"Shepherd's Hook" and, less commonly "Shepherd's Crook" are common names for the long, coiled retaining wire inside the FCG (fire control group) of the *AK-47 family of assault rifles. The wire's purpose is to fasten the front and rear axis pins of the trigger and disconnecter inside the receiver. It is notorious for being difficult to put in and, if improperly installed, can result in major malfunctions when firing.

A Shepherd's Hook may be replaced with an aftermarket retainer plate.

* "The AK-47 family" includes the original Russian AK-47, the AKM: it's more common lightweight variant, the RPK: its heavy-duty machine gun variant, and the more modern 5.56mm AK-74 series of rifles. Also includes the vast majority of non-Russian derivatives.
"Well, boss, I was gonna go cap this mothafucka, right, but the goddamn trigger went all crooked an shit and wouldn't pull. Fuckin towelhead that made this bitch put the Shepherd's Hook in upside down."
by Mikhail Kalashnikov February 18, 2010
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