telling someone what they want to hear.

could be used to get something, or get out of a lecture
you: yea im listening clean the bathroom im on it
dad: you're not just giving me lip service are you
by bon roxor May 14, 2004
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A sexual practice where the male is seated and a female performs falletio while on her knees. It is often accompanied by the female providing lavish complements to the man related to his verility, intelligence and charm.
I was really horny after a very successfully week after a lot of hard work. I knew my wife wouldn't care. I checked out the BP ads and was able to meet a very attractive escort who provided king service for less than $100. I left smiling and felt rewarded for my hard work.
by Bikeboy50 February 27, 2014
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An especially polite blowjob where the blower's mouth is full of maple syrup.
Dude did you hear about Nick? He got the Canadian service from Ashley after the party yesterday. They made a sticky mess in the kitchen.
by shrike92 September 4, 2015
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The federal cabinet agency of the US Government that pools registrations of all US males ages 18 to 26 for possible coerced enlistment in the military in the event of a war.

While they threaten all registration evaders with 5 years in federal prison and a $250,000 dollar fine, I'm sure all the rich Republicrat politicians kids are all exempt from the requirement.

Look at Selective Service forcing all these young Americans to sign up..what a Soviet like agency.
by Piranha May 4, 2006
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-Iranian slang in order to show that you’re amazed for his/her irregular(or regular) work
-holy shit
-to fuck your mouth
Jack-yesterday i drank four bottle of wine!
Sarah-dahanet service
by Iranian slangs August 15, 2018
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the act of using the eyes when a teacher, boss or parent is looking to cause the target to think you are working when actually you are thinking of nothiness.
parent looks at boy.
mum: are you doing your english?
boy: traces sight blankly over page and replys: yes mother
mum: (re-enforced by eye service): ok, good boy
parent leaves, boy/girl continues facebooking
by banterbus31 November 17, 2009
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saying something but not really meaning it, often like kissing-up.
He paid lip service to his boss because he wants to get promoted.
by camiangel May 15, 2004
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