When you can’t afford a colonoscopy so you borrow a drain camera that hooks to your phone instead. Then blue tooth it to the living room TV and have the kids watch and learn.
Hey fam I can’t find my stash. Fuck yah Bruh magic school bus time again.
by bawesomeb September 18, 2019
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After 23 years Arnold still thinks he might be going on a normal field trip
Please let this be a normal field trip
Do Do the Magic School Bus
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A name given to a fierce creature. It can only be seen under the effects of Hallucinogenic Mushrooms.

It's body is shaped like a school bus. Yellow and black, but with a monstrous mouth, sporting massive teeth.

It lacked traditional tires. In their place were what could only be described as long, hairy tentacles.

It seemed to always be in a constant state of fury.

Studies have been done, and it's weaknesses have been revealed. It can't stand up against the fire of a plasma rifle(airsoft gun).
Ummm... be at my house at 1:50 p.m mon-fri.
And make sure you read the first bit.

Oh and... "Angry School Bus"
by Angry School Bus Slayer June 9, 2012
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A person so 1337 they take the noobs to school.
Jeremy is the noob school bus because he owns so much.
by PeaTearGriffin November 15, 2005
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A giraffe that has three or more black kids riding on the back of the giraffe to school.
Dude why are those kids on the back of that giraffe.
Its an African School Bus.
by Salavation273 May 3, 2011
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A person who is currently no longer undertaking full time high school education who sleeps with a person still enrolled.
School girl 1: "Did you pull that process engineer last night?"

School girl 2: "Yes he was the best school bus driver i've ever met!"
by Goodnight Bear July 31, 2006
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