Originally from Houston, Texas, (most notably DJ Screw, Mike Jones, Slim Thug, Paul Wall, etc.) a term meant to describe the mixture of perscription cough syrup (Promethazine, Cough Syrup w/ Hydro codone (although thats red), cough syrup w/ codine) with Sprite and a jolly rancher or other hard candy at the bottom. This is also referred to as Purple drank, barr, syrup, oil,lean, screw, drank, etc.
- Hey friend, what have you been drinking on? What is in your white cup?

- Come here and I'll show you how to make that Sprite Remix friend.
by ShankSF January 19, 2008
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When you listen to a song on the radio and go between the zones of two different stations, resulting two songs being combined into one.
dude i was listening to Led Zeppelin on the radio the other day, and then Lady Gaga started playing with it. It was a sick radio remix.
by J.P. yourmothasass November 25, 2010
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It’s the symphony that one’s butthole creates after having a cup of monstrous mocha.

PS: it’s not just the fart, but more than that (poop as well)
*Benito manages to occupy the toilet in the airplane and EXPLODES due to the mocha he had in morning*
On getting out everyone staring at him
Benito (wondering to himself): Did everyone hear my mocha remix?
by Yeahnoshit January 20, 2022
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some good ass remix music thats for sure
jiafei remixes are something great to listen to
by midgen;-; June 24, 2023
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A normal song that is reworded with Christian content.
Did you hear that awesome Christian Remix by the Holy Hits on the Internet?
by Christian Remix April 14, 2015
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A humorous remix which replaces the lyrics of one song with Cupcakke's iconic and aesthetic lyrics. More recently, Cupcakke's vocals are processed to be similar to the original song's melody and her moans/barks/gulps other horknee sound effects are processed to sound like the song's instrumental.

Listening to Cupcakke remixes may result in your wig being snatched, your pubic hairs curling fast, your thongs changed, and your deek picked up with chopsticks
Kimothy: What's your favorite Cupcakke remix?

Bennifer: Hmmm, I think mine would have to be the remix of Telephone by Lady GAGga.

Kimothy: I love that one! But my favorite is the remix of Bring Me To Life by EVAGescence

Bennifer: Cupcakke was in her emo era when she made that!
by puthay snatched June 7, 2023
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A del's lemonade filled halfway with pink lemonade filling up the other half. A good mixing with a spoon and its the perfect summer treat on a hot day. You should try it
"Man that boat was busy. As soon as the 12:05 leaves, I'm grabbing a Del's Remix."
by Dsull53 June 15, 2009
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