3 definitions by Yeahnoshit

Erik's soul couldn't escape his body, until he finds and completes his UFB.
by Yeahnoshit July 20, 2022
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Basically another name for Albus Dumbledore, the iconic headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
This name is given due to his sassy, iconic and bad ass qualities and his weakness for fuckbois and bad taste in men.
Minerva: It’s such a shame, Gellert broke Albus’ heart!
Severus: Dumblewhore? Well I’m not surprised.
Minerva: Ikr, our queen deserves better.
by Yeahnoshit January 20, 2022
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It’s the symphony that one’s butthole creates after having a cup of monstrous mocha.

PS: it’s not just the fart, but more than that (poop as well)
*Benito manages to occupy the toilet in the airplane and EXPLODES due to the mocha he had in morning*
On getting out everyone staring at him
Benito (wondering to himself): Did everyone hear my mocha remix?
by Yeahnoshit January 20, 2022
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