A basic bitch that will steal your man that can't dress herself and is a basic hoe!
Rachael a basic hoe I want to stab!!
by Asian2k14 November 11, 2014
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A less common and not as good version of the name Rachel.
Is that a rachel?
No its a rachael
oh thats not soo good.
by laraaaae May 5, 2009
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Rachael is a girl that is very kind and sweet when you first meet her but then you find out her true colors. She rides dick like people ride roller coasters and sucks anything she can get her mouth on. She doesn't like to be in a relationship unless it's a one night stand or friends with benefits. She enjoys playing games like spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven. When she gets invited to a party she doesn't leave until she has slept with at least two or three people.
by Suck a very large dick December 6, 2017
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An extremely fat girl who is usually hilarious. She is very snobby, judges everyone even though they should be judging her weight. She over reacts to everything and she really needs a reality check everyone and a while.
Girl 1: "Ugh, its Rachael..."
Girl 2: "She is SO mean, she called my aunt fat last week."
Girl 1: "UM, she is the fat one."
by TheRealDeal12321 July 23, 2011
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A stoner chick who is very bright, but nobody knows because she acts like a stupid, spoiled whore. She is usually drop dead gorgeous and easy to spot in a crowd because she is really hairy. She doesn't believe in shaving.
Guy: Damn, who is that girl?
Other Guy: Dude, I think it's Rachael.
Guy: Let's go talk to her, she is hot!
Other guy: No way man, she is a giant whore.
by tigerlilly420 February 5, 2010
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A girl who smells, has freckles, has bad breath, likes highliters for pleasure, has a small ass, small tits, brace face, and likes boys named wade like really obsessed.
boy 1. i just found out my girl is a rachael.

Boy 2. sharpies don't count
by Umair Ahsgar August 31, 2008
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An ugly fat ginger bitch who thinks she’s all that but really isn’t. Wants to be a slut but no one wants her. Prices herself in being manipulative and condescending and pitting people against eachother if she even knows what that means because she’s so stupid she does foundation level subjects. Thinks she’s getting in there and breaking relationships apart to make herself feel good about herself but in reality she’s an annoying ugly fat bitch who’s only talents are being hated and posting pictures of her chest instead of her face because she knows she’s ugly and gets 16 likes still anyway bc that’s how ugly she is. Everyone that knows her will despise her eventually and the world would have been so much better off if she was never born.
Rachael is a stupid fat bitch that tries to wreck people’s lives but little does she know she’s an evil ugly bitch
by Pisscuntbag March 18, 2019
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