In online PC based first person shooter games, specifically Call of Duty, one has the option of assigning the "interact with object" key to anything that they would like. This key is equivalent to the "X" button on XBOX controllers and the square button on Playstation controllers. It is the "catch-all" key and is used to plant charges in the campaign, pick up weapons, etc. However, on PC it is sometimes assigned to the "Q" key as it is close to the other gaming keys (WASD for movement, shift to run, R to reload, etc). When you die in Call of Duty, you begin to watch the "killcam" showing your adversary's perspective when he killed you. Just like in consoles, you are given the option to skip the killcam by pressing the interact key (Q). While 1 press suffices to skip the killcam, most people "spam" the button in attempt to respawn faster, or out of frustration. It is common to hit the key twice (QQ). This is very ironic, as "QQ" is modern internet slang for a pair of crying eyes. It is very symbolic in that when you are killed, you are often saddened or angered by this, so you spam the Q button to respawn, completing the circle of irony.
Person A: (dies and spams the Q Key)
Person B: "Bro, you only have to hit it once, unless you are actually crying. In that case, go ahead and spam the QQ Key you pathetic loser."
by habakkuk January 30, 2011
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A famous warrock clan, who owns everyone.
Members: 1kkenaamq, tangfastiq, moderatorq and mynnaamisq.

they will own you MUHAHHHAHHAH
You have got owned by the QQ's clan! Sucker!
by Henkie Penkie May 15, 2008
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A fast method of logging out of chromebooks, also a way to prank and annoy your friends
Jake: Hey, wanna see a trick?
Ben: Sure!
Jake: *ctrl shift qq*
Ben: Dude... really?!
by BuffBoy24 March 6, 2019
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When the combination is pressed all sites that are blocked will be unblocked. This is especially useful for school computers .
I pressed ctrl + shift + qq and now i can do whatever i want on my computer.
by TotallyNotNatani March 2, 2022
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An online term used on video game threads to tell someone to quit the game they are complaining about, because they are stupid or unskilled.

Originated from the RTS Warcraft, where pressing alt-QQ would immediately quit the game if they were getting pwned.
Unfortunately, some people mistake it for "cry more noob" because supposedly QQ resembles a crying face.
Noob: OMG PLEAse take oUt this gun it iS SOOOO overpowerd

Poster: QQ more noob. It is not overpowered, you just suck. Maybe that's why you keep getting pwned by it.
by Colder August 30, 2011
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the most demon shit you can do to somebody you just snap their chromebook out like lmao
dylan : lmao look at this funny bruh meme
stefan : wow so funny
stefan : wait why the fuck you ctrl shift qq me square up
dylan : no
by garfielf the word maker December 17, 2019
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