April 24 girl have to send anybody a pussy picture if someone ask but the person cannot spread it
Send me a pussy pic please For national SEND Pussy pic day

Defined : “let me see that pussy”
by Young lingling April 24, 2018
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Also, known as MDP.

A guy that allows his girlfriend to do things like...

1-Have guy friends.
2-Go out with the girls and drink at night.

Usually, they are the byproduct of a brain washing libery media. Many of today's reality TV shows are to blame for this. MTV is also very responsible for pushing this kind of garbage behavior.
Bro, did you see Mike. He's letting his girlfriend go to a party where her ex-boyfriend will also be there. Man that is sad, he's turned into a Modern day pussy.
by silentthread April 8, 2009
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On April 15 Its National Grab Pussy Day

Yall Go Grab You Some Pussy
National grab pussy day -A Day Were You Go And Grab Sum Pussy
by Sum1 else April 12, 2019
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March 25th is the day completely dedicated to pancakes and pussy, with anyone with a vagina being accosted by pancakes and those who wish to eat them out.
“I really wish every day was Pancakes and Pussy Day, I could really go for some breakfast and oral sex right about now”
by EternalEmailingSystem March 26, 2021
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