To delve into or attack something voraciously
I pounded the entire first season of 24 last night, I'm so feakin tired!


I pounded that steak straight off the Bar-B-Q
I pounded my cousin after he wouldn't shut up during my favorite movie
by Mr. Ian Bailey October 6, 2007
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I got to Pound State University.
Yeah, I was chillin' in Pound the other day
by Jasmin May 8, 2005
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When you’re so drunk and high you can’t even comprehend anything
Dude I’m so Fucking pounded right now

Oh well dude I need a bump I’m Fucking pounded
by the sheeny January 20, 2020
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a ciggarette. if u send save us 50p it would mean save us half a ciggarette ect.
if u send save us 50p it would mean save us half a ciggarette ect.
by owen March 27, 2005
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A stack of cash like you see the rappers holding in their pictures
Bro I really wish I had A Pound like YNW Melly
by TrappyK March 22, 2020
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1. Pound is slang complete swag fags and douches tend to use for weed.

2. To beat the fuck out of someone.
A) fag1; "Dude, let's go smoke some pound!"
fag2; "YOLO!"

B) chick1; "I'd love to that mother fucker."
chick2; "Oh I fucking know. I think everyone would love to."
by go.die September 16, 2012
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After a long night of Pounding with Steve Buscemi, i cooled off with a nice avacado in my butt
by PoundMaster42069 March 4, 2020
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