pee-NILE a-NANG-u-LA-shun.

noun: the accidental bending of the penis against the partner's leg, taint, or but cheek due to overextension of the sexual thrust. Normally a painful occurrence.
Jeff *walking gingerly into the kitchen* "Oh man"
Ray "Dude, what happened?"
J "Sally and I were fucking, and I pulled out too far. I tried to just stuff it back in and got a penile anangulation against her taint."
R "That sucks."
J "Dude" *sniff* "My dick bent in half!"
by The Afterworld Cafe August 31, 2007
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The result of being so goddamn afraid your penis freaks out and sucks into your intestines.
Looking at that fucking Eskimo/Whale freaked me out so much my weenus shrunk into itself, forming a penile cavity.
by Tommy Wommy Womsters October 8, 2003
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The shaft of a man's penis. Or really, any penis for that matter.
by Cockmonkey December 3, 2004
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An organic polymer strand grown in the penis in all male primates. Ejects itself around puberty. Not a lie or nuttin'. Love you Imgur.
by damon rosco January 22, 2014
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When someone hasnt had their penis sucked in a few months and knows that's a problem
I need a girlfriend because I'm suffering from penile drought
by The Big Thicc August 14, 2019
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A penis so small that its medically documented and diagnosed
Nick: I just got diagnosed with Penile smalliosis
John: Red has dick problems too, hes so big that I need to push him around in a wheelchair
by mackenziesvirginity July 24, 2022
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when you beat your weewee too much it go boom and zzzzzz and ooga booga and ding ding ding
wanker: i just achieved penile hypertrophy..
wanker 2: nice
by Nicholas Gur April 11, 2022
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