The best fiance in the world. Someone that is always there for you in a time of need. He's sweet and romantic but is also a realist. He can make you laugh and when you cry he's there to hold you close and tell you that everything will be okay. He is adorable in the way that he proposed to you, and tells you on a daily basis how much he loves you and cares about you and that you are beautiful. The best type of man in the world!
Friend: Was that nate?
Fiancee: yeah isn't he great?

friend: certainly is!
by Lairelelelerial February 18, 2010
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Quiet spoken guy who doesnt talk much. He has an abnormally large penis! He is athletic and always there to please his woman. She is his number 1 prority. Will never let u down in or outside of the sheets.
by Realdeal1234 May 1, 2013
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Nate is best defined as an Alpha Man-Beast. Also know as The Manimal, females everywhere find this super man irresistable. Golden rays from Heaven emmit from a Nates pants as they are unzipped. Known for having the perfectly sized and curved, throbbing erection. A Nate will ,more often than not spank, bite, and pull hair while making sweet fuck to a wide-eyed and sometimes frightened female. These females often leave his lair not sure what has just occurred or if it was even legal, but they always leave........satisfied.
"I went Nate on that girl. Now she won't stop calling me."
by The Real Manimal February 8, 2010
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Nate is a man that girls meet and fall in love with right away. After noticing how amazing Nates are, they instanltly want no other man. If girls cant get their Nate, they simply dont want anyone. They like to sing, and know how to make others happy more than anyone.
"Hey slut, wanna have sex?" "Sorry, I only want the Nate I lost"

"Why are you crying?" "He's being a Nate and doesent want me!"

"Come party with us!" "No, im to buzy sulking over my friend, hes a Nate."

"Nate made me abstinent."
by DeadLotus June 10, 2009
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That one fuckboy in your friend group who isn't nate from gossip girl
Why does nate always post gym selfies
by Mr Yelah October 3, 2017
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A guy who comes between two people at completely inappropriate times.
"Dude, why'd you have to nate me and that hot girl?"
by lolonthekeyboard July 30, 2008
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