A condition common among lead singers of rock bands, characterized by an awful butchering of otherwise simple lyrics. Rocker's Mumble is partially responsible for causing people to stop caring about lyrics. This condition can be caused by use of narcotics or the singer's style quirks.
Ozzy Osbourne does not have rocker's mumble. Though you can't understand him when he's talking, he's clear as crystal when singing.

Kurt Cobain had a case of rocker's mumble, more due to the grunge style than anything else.
by MachineCode April 29, 2007
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An unintelligible strain of a long-forgotten ancient dialect that originated from beings not of this Earth. Often mistaken as a form of musical entertainment, it is thought that Mumble Rap can be used to summon deities of extreme power, like Gorshámuman the Insatiable.
Person 1 (a normie scum): Yo dude, did you hear that new Mumble Rap song?
Person 2 (an intellectual): Görb SHAMU Käi Bizilia North-Dame Halfen-schreme
Person 1: Yo man sick flow
by Troglodyte Scribe December 31, 2019
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The pop raprapper 50 cent.
50 cent sucks at rapping so he mumbles so that no one can understand him because he will say the dumbshit to make him sound gangsta. Which is why his nickname is MC Mumble.
by Freakazoid May 25, 2005
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Extremely tight shorts on a female. The shorts are said to be so tight, that you can see the lips moving, but you just can't hear what they are saying.
"Check out the mumble shorts on her."
by Wh1skey M1ke May 24, 2007
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A talentless so called rap artist who solely depends on the program auto tune to put out any music
That punk lil pump is such a a whack ass mumble rapper. I couldn't understand anything he said.
by 209sShameless October 10, 2019
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Adjective; typically referring to a person (self or others)generally under the influence or intoxicated as they attempt to form sounds and syllables to coalesce into words or sentences.

Origin: originating in 1997 in Port Jefferson station NY somewhere on Comsewogue school district grounds while engaging in copious amounts of marijuana consumption.
Person A: ghdjxotbosudbf

Person B: dude what the fuck did you just say?

Person C: that mothafucker is in mumble mode.

Person B: Here bro, just take another hit...

Person A: hdjdirbtbxizir <hits blunt again>
by *Ranger* June 2, 2020
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It is when someone mumbles something you don't quite hear, but you know it isn't nice.

It's can be likened to the phrase "Mean Muggin" - When a person gives you a dirty look like they are angry at you.
Mom! Derek was just "Mean Mumbling" me. That wasn't very nice.
by Hawleywooood March 31, 2016
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