1.when in the shower, a woman might take the shower head and change the setting so the water comes out of about 4 holes
and this woman might lay down on the floor or whatever and spread her legs and take the shower head and put it up against her clit sometimes causing an orgasim to take place
2. shower masturbation
3. masturbation that a woman can use during her period that cleans the vagina and does not get her hands dirty.
"why does the water sound like it is comming out harder?"

"maybe she is massaging her back"

"maybe that is why she is moaning!"

"oh crap she is using the water method again!"
by your mother May 8, 2005
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The method of hanging your skateboard in your locker, done by looping a bungee cord through your trucks and hanging it around a hook.
Boy 1: Hey man, nice board.

Boy 2: Thanks, but I can't find a place to put it, it's wet and I don't wanna pay a $50 dollar fine replacing my text books.

Boy 1: Here, take this bungee cord, use the J-Method.
by Ninjakitteh18 March 5, 2010
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The act of restarting until it works
"My internet isn't working" "have you tried the tito method?"

"I tried the tito method 13 times to make my pc work
by The Underscore Bro March 8, 2022
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The fuck it method is to do something u never thought u would or could ever do!
You want to do something like a backflip off a 60ft cliff into water. You get paranoid that its gonna hurt like hell! Your afraid that you will really hurt yourself. So u say FUCK IT! You run jump and do the best you can. you may fail once but u keep doing it and your a pro! Thats the fuck it method!
by Dainnerflame1 October 14, 2012
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One of the most inefficient methods of contraception still used today. Involves having sex at the time of month at which the woman is least receptive (physically) to pregnancy.
Since he was too lazy to put on a condom, he decided to just use the rhythm method
by A equals A April 13, 2005
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Mystery Method is a seduction process designed around the psychology of female attraction towards men with alpha male behavioral attributes, most particularly on the subtle level. Fundamentally, the method works under the principle that any man can showcase alpha-like behavioral traits through posture and positioning, conversation and other, more subtle practices while interacting with women, hence increasing his chances for more successful pick-ups.
Mark stopped behaving like a nervous, appologetic fool around women when he learned about the mystery method and how to apply it.
by Doc Xavian July 11, 2008
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the kankan method is a method used by only the unique and special individuals. The kankan method contains the steps of getting a girlfriend, making her fall in love, beating her, beating the case too, and breaking up with her.
Did you hear about Joe and Mary? Joe used the Kankan method on her
by iUseTheKankanMethod May 28, 2022
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