Mandy...or otherwise known as amanda, but if you call her that she will kick you. She is completely truth worthy and the best friend any one could ever have no matter what! She will listen to you and give you all the advice that she can. She will understand you when you fail to understand your self, and she will tell you what you need to hear even if you don't want to, but it is all because she cares so much for you. She will bake cookies with you for hours at a time and occasionally will find you annoying but you and her both know that you can't live without each other despite the fights that ensue. She knows everything there is to know about you and tells you her secrets because she trusts you and because she loves you that much (or you hope she does). You will know her for a long time and the entire time you will remain friends (give or take a few days of fights) and years after you steal her beads you tell her the truth and you both laugh hilariously about it and then she tells you about the time that she tried to steal $20 from you but it fell under the dresser. Then resulting we both look for it and cannot find it... :D
Mandy will always stand by your side and BTWS she loves fires. She is gorgeous and doesn't know it yet and she has the best smile ever. Additionally she is sarcastic but that is what makes her her.
Wow Mandy!
by ITsameR3d June 11, 2019
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A really funny person who is TOTALLY OBSESSED with a REALLY HOTT guy named Matt!!!!!!!!!
by Mandie January 10, 2004
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A queen . She hates being called mandie tho 😭. But she is the beyoncé of staten island
Mandy is a queen
by chasehuddyisntblack August 26, 2019
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The most beautiful cute adorable caring loving girl you’ll ever meet if you meet her wife her
Look at mandi imma make her mine
by What’s g00d September 19, 2019
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A Potato who really isn’t a potato but claims to be one.

Usually never talks but silently plans murder when no one is around them.

Hates everything in general.
Guy: Don’t piss that one off. She is a Mandy
Guy 2: I don’t want to I won’t.
by Patotobish March 13, 2018
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"I can't wait to see my Mandy at the gym tonight..."
by Eccentrica February 7, 2010
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The guy version of a figurative panties/undies. While no male panties have been made, this formless 'wear' is used by men and boys.
To be used when one is under such astonishment, that his mandies are dropped Oh sh*t these cigars are so good, I creamed my mandies. Dropping my mandies
by Herfar December 11, 2014
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