A person who sinks a monster deuce in a communal toilet, but doesn't flush it or use toilet paper, leaving the Loch Ness Log for others to see.
by travisbickle86 July 8, 2019
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"man, that is loggers"
"don't you mean poggers?"
"nah, im in the pchaxwithmax discord. its loggers now"
by toshinight December 26, 2020
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Typically a misspelling of poggers, but is in some communities used as a replacement for poggers.
Jamie: I just caught a shiny gliscor!
Robin: That's freaking loggers dude!
by HolyKetchup69 February 9, 2022
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Bro That clip was loggers. or used in random places. Girl-"wow this place is amazing thanks for taking me!" Random Guy- "Loggers :|"
by Papa Smurf's Bae February 17, 2022
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a definition mostly used by mine crafter, Tommy Innit. First used in Logstedshire after Tommy was exiled from the SMP.
"Oh Tommy, here are some pity tools for you."
by acidcrate December 22, 2020
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1. what autocorrect changes 'poggers' to.
2. a very well known meme in the tannar eacott discord server, when something is great, it is loggers.
(logchamp is a variation of the word and is basically our way of saying 'mad lad')
*someone levels up*
everyone in the chat: loggers
by fullysh00k January 4, 2019
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