Basically the year when you are not yet a senior, but think you are as cool as the senior and better than the seniors. It is generally the peak of high school and kids get cocky and think they know it all. It is the first year of indepedent driving in most states, but learners permits start in different countries. To be a cool junior, you pretty much need to have your own car, and the prom is a big deal for you. It is like life or death. Junior year is also the hit in the head year, when you realize that college is only 2 years to go and you'll have to prepare for your partying by taking the SAT and get into Harvard to party.
Staci is a junior. Time to go to the prom and study for the SAT.
by Kyle 230 May 4, 2010
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similar to senioritis, it is when a junior in high school gets so sick of AP, the SATs, college admissions, and the high amount of work that they become completly lazy
I have a severe case of junioritis right now.
by im right youre wrong March 1, 2006
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the same as senioritis but strikes before senior year. usually happens when one gets sick of BS homework and hours of studying for tests that seem incredibly irrelevant to anything and everything relating to having fun.

usual suspects are once overly-ambitious individuals who are tired of working so much, and the classic slacker.
person 1: hey who wants to study up on some physics with me for the quiz next week?
junioritis victim(s) :ehhhhh..
person 2: FUUKK duuuuude nobdy wants to study with your beeitch ass, we all have junioritis!!

person 1: oh geez!
by OHjenn! February 12, 2011
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A freshly bleached asshole. Clean and breathtaking, but still just an asshole.
My wife came home from the spa, bent over, and showed me her junior.
by rambo111 December 29, 2011
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a demonic group of high-schoolers that is at just the right time in they're career so that they're just old enough to be considered upperclassmen, but just young enough to not have the stress of college apps like the seniors. this results in a tremendous and annoying ego enhancement, making them the most troublesome and/or obnoxious class in the school.
freshman: (to junior) do you know where room 231 is?

juniors: yea its down the hall to the right (freshman leaves and junior and friends laugh because they know it's actually on the other side of the school)

junior: (to senior) how are the college apps going?

senior: not too well, i haven't finished yet AND i got deferred from my first pick.

by sidero December 19, 2009
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Someone of a more junior nature. Opposite of seniority.
She showed her juniority in the task at hand.

Her juniority really began to show.
by brokenhead113 November 13, 2013
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the exhaustion and laziness caused by the overload of work from junior year
"I have such bad senioritis, I just party all the time in the weekend."

"Yeah, well I have to finish 3 projects to finish, 4 essays to write, and 2 tests to study for. I think I might pass out later from junioritis."
by simplybeachy14 September 30, 2011
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