Substitute for the word "good", as spoken by someone with a mouthful of food.
"How's that pie, Ogre?" (shrugs) "I'unno - GOOB!!!"
by Viva Vas Deferens July 28, 2008
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a person who tends to tell stories that no one listens to. doesn't always have friends, normally a steak is their only friend. extremely hard to understand. occasionally moody.

loved by an overly obsessive girl who would give the worlddddd for them.
goob : so today i was
bojangles : (rudely interrupting) i like skittles.
goob : .... so today
bojangles : (rudely interrupting) what?
goob : never mind.
by scruffles. March 7, 2008
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Refers to a business or an establishment that has "Gone Out Of Business" or closed down. Abbreviated by the beginning letter of each word. Gone or Going out of business.
"Hey, the record store I love has goob. or I used to go there all the time before it went goob.
by imagewise December 10, 2009
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Gooey Boobs!

The act of Spunking on Boobs!
I'd love to give Zoe Goobs!
by goobmeister January 12, 2010
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Someone who drives like a woman
See Gutterboy
Matt Galbraith you are such a GOOB! You cant drive for Arab sponge cakes!!!
by Rhys February 17, 2004
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1.Some one who is extremely cool
2.Doing something EXTREMELY sexual
3.Having feelings for some one.
Man, Barker your realy goob!!
Dang i wish i could goob with her!
I realy goob that frog...that frog is freakin my goob...i goob it.
by BallinAintEasy March 5, 2005
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1.) A small amount of flem combined with saliva created in the mouth. Goobs usually dangle to the ground slowly out of the mouth, unless taken by the wind. Not to be confused with a lugey which is spat out of the mouth with great force, not dropped.
2.) Foreign sticky substance not well understood.
1.) Tommy, ignorant and stupid, stepped on the goob in bare feet. The fool.
2.) John: What is that stuff on your shirt, Jim?
Jim: Aww dang! I forgot to wash my clothes and they have goob on them!
by The Jordan March 27, 2008
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