A year filled with endless awesomeness...

"While the rest of us were sobbing into our pillows at night (that can't just have been me) Donald Glover was releasing one of the best albums of 2016 titled Awaken, My Love, releasing one of the best shows of 2016 called Atlanta, and getting cast in both Ultimate Spider-Man and the untitled Han Solo standalone. And for the cherry on top, the renaissance man even had a baby with his identity-less girlfriend. That's a heck of a lot of awesome in one year." (Lipsitz)
by veemotingoa December 8, 2016
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the martial art of swiftly jabbing your hand into the mouth of an unsuspecting yawner, causing projectile vomiting onto the hand of the attacker, in which case, the attackee is pantsed and vomit is wiped across their defenseless ass.

It is taken from the Danny Glover, just reversed.
While he yawned, she quickly stuck her hand into his gaping mouth, causing him to spew all over her hand. She then pulled his pants down and smeared his vomit across his white ass.

HEY! You just reverse Danny Glovered me!

That's right asshole!
by Whoopi Goldberg January 16, 2007
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The feeling that after an incident of debauchery, foolishness, partying or carousing which that exhausts an individual of all physical, mental and emotional faculties. It is at this point when said indidividual realizes they are "getting too old for this shit".

Taken from Glover's oft-repeated line throughout the Lethal Weapon movie franchise.
"Man, I'm having a Danny Glover Moment after all that blow we did last night."

"I woke up this morning way past hung-over. I woke up in a Danny Glover Moment."

"I got shot down at the bar by three different girls last night. Total Danny Glover Moment."
by Roos26 May 20, 2012
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A: Do you need a condom?
B: Sorry, I'm not a rubber lover glover.
by PointTH June 17, 2017
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When a person that gives lightshows (with LED gloves) begins gloving without having the gloves on whenever they hear a specific genre of music that they like. This is an uncontrollable impulse which must be satisfied and usually happens without the Glover realizing they are doing it until they see all the weird looks they are getting from people. GS is not a bad thing because it aids a Glover in cleaning up some of his moves and creating new moves. Also known as a finger show, but GS is unintentional.
I was listening to an EDM track when all of a sudden about 2 minutes into it I realized my hands were doing finger rolls, and tutting. Let's just say the looks on people's faces didn't change when I explained that I had Glover's Syndrome (GS)
by TheRealDaFuzz April 1, 2013
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A man from The Inbetweeners who’s friends with Mark Donavan.In multiple scenes and plays pool.
David Glovers playing pool in the common room against Mark Donovan
by davidglover December 15, 2019
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