The act of having sex with an individual's tooth gap.
Person 1: Hey dude, have you seen Arnold Schwarzenegger's tooth gap?
Person 2: Oh man, I'd gap that shit any day!
Person 1: Yeah, he could get a good gapping.
by The Real Cocklips April 27, 2017
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Space between the subway car and the paltform. Also commonly used to define the space between someones teeth. sometime used to define the space between someones ears.
As in " Watch the gap"
"She sho is gap toothed"
by Spooky October 12, 2004
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Don't fall into the gap!
by William Zeinko November 20, 2002
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the in a girl(s) mouth (usally the front top teeth) that show that she has sucked dick. the bigger the gap the bigger the slut.
chris: john u better stay away from kim

john: why she look good

chris:yeah i bet alot of other guy said that to and look at the size of her gap

john:true true
by naius June 28, 2007
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GAP = Guys Against Pussy
"Dude, Scott is totally a GAP guy."
by woodoliver August 20, 2006
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People who have been geneticly altered or were mutated in some kind of freak accident. Mostly happens to super heroes excluding Batman because he's a poser.
guy: "Look at Spiderman! He is such a GAP!

dude: "Unlike Batman, he's such a poser!

guy: Yeah he wishes he was GAP
by TheBlackMew September 14, 2006
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