GP is a norvegian abbreviation for "Gullrute-Pussy"

"Gullruten" is the norwegian equivalent to the american Golden Globe Awards, and "Pussy" refers to the female vagina

In order "to pull a GP", you must:

1) Go to the celebrityparty
2) Hook up with a girl
3) Score
4) Wake up with her the next morning

The power of the GP, is measured in how many days you date her (after this first rendez-vous), and is written like this: GP2 (two days), GP3 (three days), etc. etc. GPWIN (married to this person) being the final state and the holy grail for some people

Either persons can be a celebrity or a normal mortal. It's getting in at the party, which is the real hazzle, and this may or may not, give you the honor badge of GP

GP must not be confused with Melodi Grand Prix, which in some states also uses the abbreviation GP -- that's just stupid
"Hey, my man! Wazzup?"
"I went to the Gullrutenparty some days ago. GP3 here"
by Ola Bergmann May 14, 2008
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Short for "on general principle" which means:

1. For no reason.

2. Just because.
by Mr. Terrence L. Trezvant August 24, 2006
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Short for "General Principle" usually used to mean one of the following:

1. for the sake of upholding integrity

2. Maintaining political correctness

3. doing something "just because" or "for the sake of doing it."
You never fuck someone else's wife simply On GP
by Cloudεater February 5, 2021
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Golden Pussy Syndrom --- An affliction that strikes some women whereby the woman thinks that her sexuality is worth more than it really is. Common symptoms include trying to get a man to buy her a bunch of expensive shit or pay all her bills for the privledge of having sex with her.
Damn... did you see what she tried to get that dude to buy her... that's an outrageous case of GPS.
by Thatdude August 24, 2012
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GPS = Golden Pussy Syndrome. A woman that thinks her pussy is GOLD. More valuable than it is. A stuck up bitch!
This average looking woman has GPS.
by youareontop April 30, 2015
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Man 1: Hey bro im heading over to GP GP you come (cum)?
Man 2: Yea bro ima go stuff my cock in another mans ass later.
Man 3: Yo are there grapes there?

Man 1 and 2: No dumbass its a Gay Porn Grape Production place. the grape is meant to be "rape" but thats a little sus

Man 3: oh ok so i will get raped there?

Man 2: Yes. I will rape you

Man 3: Thanks! GP GP! will be fun

Man 1 and 2: Yes. It will be....
by chained rat March 10, 2022
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