A television channel that shows two hours of "Truck Racing" followed by "Yu-Gi-Oh" but cancelled Firefly because they didn't like the idea of a show about interesting characters.
Fox didn't air the pilot of Firefly because they thought it didn't have enough action.
by Chiya April 8, 2008
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A channel responsible for the downfall of Futurama.
Hey FOX! I mean, COX! Bite my shiny flesh ass.
by dj gs68 August 14, 2003
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To fox can be anything from roaming with your bro's, to doin' it for Dale.

also to make sweet love to a babe... or man if that's what you're into.

And the act of inhaling Marijuana(a.k.a. foxables)
Example 1. "Damn man, they're just foxin' the night away in there"

Example 2.
Person 1, "Dude, let's fox"
Person 2, "Foxxx"

Example 3.
Person 1, "I'm lookin' to fox tonight"
Person 2, "I brought Pooky"

Example 4, "Foxing is a way of life, more of a religion, if you may"
by Sercumstance February 17, 2009
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The nickname given to Craig T. Nelson's character on "Coach"
by doc Evil July 26, 2003
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A small animal that will gay you up in a shed
by FF October 14, 2003
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A shitty TV channel which has the Simpsons as its only saving grace.
by Anonymous July 12, 2003
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