Euan is a supremely annoying person that is entertained by annoying people. He shouts in history class and when he can't get a match on tinder he rages. Sometimes he throws his phone at a wall when raging. Other times he throws people.
by dingoogoo July 1, 2019
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Smelly cunt who has zero showers and literally cannot spell
Look at that Euan in the special needs class
by Ben Guile November 1, 2020
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One of the most annoying people you'll ever meet. He constantly bullies his friends and family, and is extremely bipolar. However, even though he is incredibly annoying, he is relatively smart, and if he gets higher than you in a test, he will remind you of this fact for weeks, making you feel bad about your own abilities to do things. His teachers say he is very quiet, although he definitely isn't.
Ugh, Euan got higher than me in the science test again, and now he won't stop telling our parents about how he is so much smarter than me.
by WinsomCash June 11, 2023
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A gorgeous, smart, tall, Handsome shy man. He is cute, nerdy, and compassionate. He may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but he’s mine with 2 sugars in it!
by Hollywinnie334 September 1, 2022
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A Scottish term for a weak man with no balls who is constantly looking for attention from homosexual men.
I see that Jon was being a Euan Stewart on Twitter again last night.
by Fish_Lips May 23, 2022
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euan mckenna euan mckenna euan mckenna euan mckenna euan mckenna euan mckenna euan mckenna euan mckenna euan mckenna euan mckenna euan mckenna euan mckenna
euan mckenna: euan mckenna euan mckenna euan mckenna euan mckenna
euan mckenna:
by euan mckenna May 9, 2022
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the wierdest man to exist, he tends to be left alone all day and hasnt learned that people arent interested in what he likes
person 1: hey whos that?

Person 2: thats Euan booth really wierd fellow
by Cillmaster November 16, 2022
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