A big faggot that fucks Bri Chungus every day.loves big cock every day and has insets with his mom
Damm... Erick and Bri chungus wont shut up
by Hsyevjgusfejfuvtsvwjfi March 4, 2019
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A sorry son of bitch that never takes off work, therefore leaving his bros hanging.
Why is Jim being such an Erick lately?
Idk man, he seems think that work is the most important thing.
by Jackson Pollis September 8, 2019
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A guy that cant afford stuff most time is mexican when hi 's friends talk about football he thinks its soccer and hes often gay. Doesnt like to talk and is addicted to video games has light brown eyes black hair and is not funny at all
1. Uhh i hate that guy must be a Erick
2.that guy is NOT funny he must be a erick.
Erick is annoying, gay, and not funny
by Xavier jordan October 21, 2019
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most amazingestest guy in the whole wide world. hes the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for, hes soo cute and has a sexy body. he always knows what to say but he gets cranky alot. i still still love him sooooooooooooooooooo much :) oh and hes prude
by erickisaloser November 8, 2011
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a guy who's totally a douche, most of the time, but has feelings at times. sweetest guy you'll ever meet. ericks only work once, not twice.
girl : he is such a erick !
friend : i know, i shouldn't have went with him!
by lightnot88 October 17, 2011
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The act of leaving an amazing woman for no logical reason. She's everything for him..even too good for him and he leaves her.
Dude, did you hear he broke up with Sandra? That girl is amazing..man why is he Ericking.
by stargazer94 November 7, 2014
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