When three people share a double hotel room, often resulting in one person sleeping on the floor or an uncomfortable sharing of one double bed.
"If the x to y ratio was right, I'd be down with the economy triple, but there's no way in hell I'm sharing a bed with John and his smelly feet."
by Fillmore October 31, 2005
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False economy; is used to describe something that may initially appear fantastic from the outside but does not live up to expectations.
A girl wearing a wonder bra! that's a false economy!
by A J C April 7, 2006
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This term has two definitions:
It can be use to describe a larger sized partner you pick up the night previously.
Something that our politicians are so adept at doing.
Yeah (insert name of your countries leadership here) have really given us a ballistic "economy fuck
by thelonestranger August 11, 2011
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The revenue generated in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic for countries that are early or ready to seize business opportunities, be it through the export of face masks, vaccines, or medical equipment.
How much is the Covid economy worth annually, as big and small developed countries leverage on the misfortunes of other nations to revive their economy and increase their GDP?
by MathPlus August 11, 2021
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P1: "Mate, chuck me two bucks to purchase that Italian god! "
P2: "Nah sorry, I am the greek economy!!!!!"
by essenceofexistence March 25, 2018
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1. While using the toilet for pooping , using a piece of toilet paper to blow your nose , then after that using the same piece to wipe your ass.

2. Going to a whore house and getting 2 midgets for the same price as one normal prostitute.
1. Whenever i take a shit i always perform the economy combo. It save money AND trees.

2. Yeah man i when to the whore house with $100 bucks and got two midgets instead of 1 hooker. The economy combo worked out well for me.
by killerkyle113 July 8, 2010
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Any economy which relies solely on Whores like your mother as the basis of it's well being.
"Ever since your dad left your house is barely getting by on that Whore Based Economy your moms got going on"
by poopmagenta September 3, 2009
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