That one expensive hair curler that all women own. But if a women doesn’t own one, it means that she’s waiting for someone to buy her one.
“Hey, man! You gonna get your girlfriend something for Christmas?”
“I was planning on getting her a dyson air wrap.”
“How many of those have you given her?!”
Not enough, apparantly.”
by June 21, 2023
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That one tip rat that never has their own bag and seems to pop up just as the plate is going around
“Ol Dyson bagless technology strikes again!”
Your mate Dyson, the bagless vacuum
by Rodger Ramjet December 27, 2022
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D-AY-s-uh-n1: A mediocre vacuum.


D-AY-s-uh-n2: A short child with a man-bun; a kidmudgeon.
1: My Dyson is so old I am throwing it away.

2: Dyson is being so annoying I think I'm going to ball him into a sphere with a 16 inch diameter ball and punt him all the way into the exosphere!
by vacuumcleenr November 16, 2021
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A girl who is able to give long blow jobs without complaining or loosing suction/enthusism.
Claire is a dyson, she gave me a 1 hour BJ
by Amit702 July 11, 2022
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Someone who waits for there to be a lot of work then does the crack head beat feet the fuck outta there.
No wonder Dyson was acting all sketchy when he went to lunch, he left a massive pile for us to clean up.
by Block Dog August 6, 2021
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Dyson (noun) someone who sucks the life out of anyone around them; alternatively, someone who sucks the fun, cool, or awesomeness out of any situation. Basically, this person sucks.

Verb (dysoning; dysoned-past tense)
Everyone was laughing then Karen dysoned the conversation with her stories about yelling at store managers.
by German2104 June 23, 2022
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