1. The name Hunter S. Thompson has come to be known as over time, related to his position as "The Doctor of Gonzo Journalism". gonzo
2. A character in the book and movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas based on Oscar "Zeta" Acosta, a mexican-american lawyer of the 60s and 70s, and personal friend of Hunter Thompson.
Dr Gonzo was one of God's own prototypes, a high powered freak too crazy to live and too rare to die.
-Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
by M.U.R.P.H. April 8, 2005
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Dr. Rockwell is one of the most loyal and honest people you'll ever meet in your life. He is also a pure genius and impresses everyone around him with his knowledge and expertise in many different subjects. Dr. Rockwell is considered a god by those around him and arouses both men and women at the sight. He also rumored to be the best person you'll ever have sex with, so don't miss the chance if you can.
Person 1: Did you see Dr. Rockwell? He's so sexy and smart!
Person 2: I'd literally do anything to have him as my boyfriend!
Person 1: Same here sister!
by Depression Is Inevitable December 22, 2019
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An acronym for the term, “Didn’t Read; Never Selling.” It originated in the Chainlink community and is used to fight FUD (Fear, uncertainty, and doubt) about crypto sentiment.
Bob: “We hit the top and this is the start to bear season, you should sell your chainlink!”

Chad: “DR;NS”
by Mr Bellows January 12, 2021
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The best villain ever to exist, he can create things that are stronger than the infinity gantlet, but his plans get foiled by some blue duck beaver thing.
Dr. Doofenshmirtz: do you remember Thanos?

News Reporter: no.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: exactly.
by Toast_Is_Good_Fam13 May 2, 2019
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1. When you leave your Dr. Pepper in the freezer

2. Slang for cock
1. "Oh shit my Dr. Popsicle exploded!"

2. "Oh shit my Dr. Popsicle exploded!"
by Hezaa May 26, 2010
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The most bad ass guy that has ever walked this planet. He is also the most sweetest person, even though he has no feelings (probably because he had to grow up with the last name Cocks), he is also extremely tough, you dont wan to mess with Dr. Cocks. All the cool girls love him and all the guys are buddies with him.
Girl- I think im in love

Boy- with who?

Girl- Dr. Cocks!

Boy- oh yeah! he is my buddy
by Monsters R YUMMY! November 19, 2010
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Dr. Steel established The Army of Toy Soldiers in the year 2004. Since then, the “army of fun” has grown to span the globe, embracing all people regardless of age or gender.

It is in Dr. Steel’s vision that The Toy Soldiers have empowered people through play. He has taught that creativity is not a trifle activity but an integral part of existence.

He also spreads the word of his Utopian Playland plans for the world, through fantastic music, videos and other creative and fun ways.
Person 1: I hate life. All work and no play.

Person 2: thats no way to live! I live according to Dr. Steel's philosophy!

or something like that. ^_^
by Toy Seargeant Archimedes August 20, 2010
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