a dark temptress ;one who tempts unknowing men
he was lead astray by a dominique
by brigitte horon October 9, 2006
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A beautiful girl who has a very good sense of humor , can get very angry if you piss her off she’s very loving
She’s so dominique
by Big dadddy asir December 22, 2017
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A name used by pretentious and well read men to describe a beautiful and possibly ideal female who they have only seen from from a far and do not know personally, but fall in love with instantly. Inspired by the fictional character of Dominique in Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead"
Dude 1: Dude, what's wrong? You've been out of it all day.
Dude 2: It's nothing man, I just saw a dominique at the burger joint today and can't get her out of my mind. I wonder if I'll ever see here again.

Dude 1: You're depressing as hell, find a porn star that looks like her and get over it.

Dude 2: How dare you compare dominique to a whore...she would never.
Dude 1: Whoa... who's the chick that just walked in...never mind, she's with some d-bag with a popped collar and affliction t-shirt on.

Dude 2: Fuck my life...
by LOTUS_416 April 27, 2011
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Beautiful girl with a great personality. She's sweet as fuck. She's my personal masseuse. Apparently she's good at sitting on faces. She will grow on you, you will adore her, and you might fall for her. She's a catch, you'd be lucky to have her and stupid to lose her. If you meet her you'll love making her laugh as much as I do. You're going to wish you can have her.
That girl is the whole package, she a real Dominique.
by CjDoom47 December 21, 2013
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A super hot girl.
Big tits
Awesome ass
Loves a big cock and girls
Best sex you'll ever have

EVERY guy will want her.
Bob: Last night I had sex with Dominique.
Chad: Dude you are so fucking lucky I wish I could tap that.
by quizzy2011 October 13, 2011
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a girlboss. slay. all day. god among men. has cats and tats. adores his fur babies and kins johnny from cobra kai, as well as the country of france, specifically before WWI. eats doggy food, #yum !!
saw god the other day...he told me to call him dominique

thats so effing slay !!!! #francekinnie
by freddybear23 February 16, 2022
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a sexy ass princess who hates honkeys but has the most beautyful ass wile making a grown man bone like he was 14 shes so hot, and the most beautyful body most people who see her die of otter shock cause there not used to such a perfect woman, she is amazing at siting on faces and tastes so great ul never want her to get of ur face,
she is crazy but in an amazing way she has a tempter but dont be scared its so cute ul forget shes angry she is curently dateing a cracker and hes the luckest man in the world so fuck u mexican beaners black hoodlums and cracker wana be minoritys and asian tiny tentucal faggots
guy 1- u know dominique

guy 2- u mean the most beautyful girl in the world

guy 1- yea tats her

oliver- lol shes mine xD
by yodawg999 May 21, 2013
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