Discussing the latest poop functions.
Friend: Where were you last night?
Me: Sorry It was a heated Poop debate with the boys
by Poopers69420 May 6, 2019
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A combat sport in which two privileged people take political issues that affect real people and turn them into weapons in a verbal sparring match, where the goal is to defeat one's opponent by browbeating them into committing a logical fallacy.
Could you assholes please quit playing dude debate over the bathroom issue when there are actual trans people here?
by Queen Buttrix September 5, 2016
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A club that colleges love , but most people hate. Speech and Debaters are classified as geeks, but really they just know what they want- a career. And usually the people that look down upon speech and debate are the retards that are going to be pumping gas in four years anyway - so it doesn't matter
i wish i was cool enough to be in speech and debate
by kollective April 26, 2005
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When you undeniably slaughter your opponent in a debate round.
Wyatt:"Hey, Max, you absolutely destroyed that team"
Max:"Yeah, that was debate rape, we're pretty much on the rape train."
by LDnation February 21, 2011
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1. Of or relating to the action of masturbation.

2. To masturbate
1. "What are you doin afterschool today?"

"Well, I'm obviously going to go home and massively debate."

2. Oh wow. That Matt Orton kid really needs to loosen up. He should go home and mass debate about something.
by Wanganat0r December 3, 2004
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Two-person team debate in which one team (the affirmative) generally proposes a policy which they advocate throughout the brave. The negative then argues against the affirmative case and plan on several levels - procedural, kritikal, and policy. Constructive speeches (2 per team) last 8 minutes and are punctuated by an additional 3-minute cross-examination period in which the opposing team asks questions to clarify and discredit the speaker's positions. Rebuttals (again, 2 per team) last 5 minutes and have no cross-examination period.

On the national circuit, and many other "champ" or "varsity" tournaments, delivery rate is extremely rapid, resulting in an atmosphere that emphasizes strategy and good argumentation over delivery and persuasion.
My parents used to get upset over the time I spent on policy debate - cutting cards, travelling to tournaments, and such.
by W Swanson June 6, 2006
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