A facetious cry that lacks true empathy.
Dude: OH gawd I just spilled my latte on my new sweater!

Chick: Awww. Quite a shame. **Cries in Canadian**
by Papa Macro January 6, 2023
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When your toddler walk around crying because they are tired or for no other reason, other than crying.
Why is she just walking around crying over nothing? Because she has the walking cries.
by ellakitty25 March 19, 2010
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The best couple you could ever see. They are both very attractive and are perfect for each other. Usually Cris is shorter and smaller. Abby is a short girl with dark hair and soft features. They love each other more than anything and they get along the best.
That couple looks perfect together!

That’s Cris and Abby
by anatasii March 9, 2021
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a fictional food that implies someone is being a cry baby. It is most often accompanies the word wamburger.
jake: mom, chris won't stop making weird faces at me!

chris: awww does poor baby want a wamburger and some french cries?
by Pont Lemarce November 10, 2006
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A term used when you receive text constantly from woman you hate wanting to party.

A reference used while hunting for NHT "New Hot Taint"
Dude, Ashley and her friends keep sending me wolf cries about tonight. Im just looking for some NHT, not a chasity belt and a fog horn... not a chick who looks like a man ... and a man that looks like a chick.
by thatoneguy5000 March 26, 2010
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There are soulmates, you might think there friends… BUT THERE SOULMATES
Cris and Brianna are a good couple
by R9M10 January 18, 2022
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