the breath you get after eating all the samples offered at costco.
Dude 1: I need a gum so bad!
Dude 2: yeah, bro you have costco breath!
Dude 1: I know! But all the food samples at costco were good!
by Kandeez May 28, 2010
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The feeling of accomplishment you have after going to Costco. It has led to way too many messed up dinners, sports games, and camping trips.
ex. Stay away from Matt's house tonight, he's on a Costco High and decided to cook french style with the pounds of cheese and fresh fruit he bought at Costco.
by angrycostcoers July 6, 2012
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The term used when you purchase something from Costco with the intent to use it as a rental and then return it after work.
I need another TV for the big game, looks like I'll be getting a Costco rental.
by Trippen190 June 4, 2021
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An overweight, disgusting person who thinks they're entitled to be an asshole because they paid for their membership.

They also tend to ask stupid questions and make pointless complaints and can be seen still shopping once the store is closed.
Member (while standing next to the raw meats): where is your frozen hamburger?

Employee: Did you check the freezer?

Member: No. *walks away*

Employee: What a dumbass Costco Member.
by Deli049 November 2, 2011
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When you or someone in your household go shopping at Costco and buy so much food that you don't even know what to do with it.
Roomate- "Duude, I went costco-ing today! There's food everywhere!!!"
by Applesnatcher June 21, 2011
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When you get videotaped unknowingly and without your permission.
I was out with this girl and I got Costco suzie'd.
by dreamcrusher2294 June 13, 2019
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